What a new study says about Semaglutide

What a New Study Say About Semaglutide that's in Ozempic and Wegovy

There are lots of people that's taking many different medications. Many meds can act very differently and can take a toll on many people. There are people that are taking these meds probably for the wrong reason. Make sure your doctor said that it's ok to take. In a study that was published on Wednesday, researchers said that a Possibility Semaglutide the Ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy could put people at a risk. This risk maybe at an increased in developing a condition that can lead to permanent blindness. They analyzed many patients over the years, none had the eye condition. The results showed those with diabetes who took Semaglutide were more than four times likely to develop the eye condition than those who didn't take it. Those that are obsese saw a rate seven times higher. Novo Nordisk, the maker of Ozempic Wegovy, said that all reports are taking seriously. Ozempic is currently FDA-Approved to treat Type 2 diabetes. Ozempic also treating patients with cardiovascular risk while Wegovy is FDA-Approved for weight loss. Are you ok with taking these meds after the study? What meds are you ok with taking that has side effects?


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