Divorce Time for Cardi B

 Divorce Time for the Rap Star

 Cardi B has filed💔💔 for a Divorce. Seven years of marriage since 2017 with them on and off again status. Cardi B requested primary custody of their two children one is five years old and the other is two years old. Now pregnant with baby #3 both of them has been on a big journey together. Sources claim the Divorce did not catch the husband Offset off guard. They have had a rocky relationship since the beginning of the relationship. We're glad that they have hung in there as much as they could. Cardi B said that she and Offset do love💖each other, that they are the best of friends. 💚We wish them the very best💜

Marriage is honorable, a Blessing and most important Love. Sometimes marriage and communication can be very hard for people. What are your thoughts? Do you think she should've stayed and hung in there or move on to see what life has to offer?


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