Employee Died at Wells Fargo

 Employee Died at Wells Fargo

An Employee at Wells Fargo has died at a Corporate Office in Tempe Florida. Denise Prudhomme has clocked in on a Friday morning, the last day of work for some. This is also the week before the Labor Day where people travel, go visit family, see friends, BBQ and then you have some where they would still work on that day. Her body was found some days later still at her cubicle desk. Somebody should've saw her still sitting there, not moving, not eating and maybe not moving to going the restroom. I know it's a Friday, the last day of work for some and sometimes most people be ready to go. But this lady was 60 years old working to pay bills or has retired and still want to work on the side like a side hustle or something. There were no further scans since 7 AM that morning, what a long day for a 60-year-old lady. So, wait there was security on the site at the building😕reporting that a person was possible dead. 😕 (Sounds confusing) Employees share their concerns with some saying even thou they work remotely, Prudhomme should've been discovered sooner. Some employees reported a foul smell and thought it was the plumbing in the building. Wells Fargo says she was sitting in an under populated area in the building. It doesn't matter where she was sitting, someone should've saw something, knowing that the building has round clock security.

What are your thoughts on this? The building has round the clock security with lots of employees, do you think she should've been found earlier or maybe something more??


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