Does Mayo and Nuclear go together

 Do you think Mayo and Nuclear go together?

Scientists have realized from a few years of work, that Mayo could be the key to stabilizing nuclear fusion reactions. Mayonnaise? Honey 😟Mayonnaise is something you put on a bread to make a sandwich, a hotdog, maybe some good old potato salad. I know Mayonnaise is stable, soft and a very solid substances, why are we messing this with a food substance? Mayonnaise might offer some insights on how to stabilize nuclear plasma. This is nothing new to the world of mixing things with food. Remember Subway allegedly has something in the bread, like rubber materials to help keep the bread longer. Some cereals and maybe food have Trisodium Phosphate in them which is a cleaning product. It supposed to help the product stay on the shelf longer. Then you have the dyes like in candy and in some popsicles. Scientist is using Mayonnaise where elastic could become a plastic one. Elastic sometimes gets out of place and plastic stays in place, the same way. 

What y'all think? Do you think this could work?


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